Fortnite: Discover which cars allow shooting the driver out

Uncover the secrets of shooting drivers in Fortnite cars. Find out which vehicles are shooter-friendly!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite enthusiasts have been delving into the driving dynamics of the game, curious about which cars allow them to take out the driver. A Reddit post by user FrankLynn22 has sparked discussions and debates among players, eager to gain an advantage in vehicular combat.


  • Discover the shooter-friendly cars in Fortnite.
  • Players debate the efficacy of shooting drivers in different vehicles.
  • Some players express frustration over the ability to shoot from the passenger seat.

Exploring Shooter-Friendly Vehicles

Players like Sad-Waltz3462 express their struggles with being shot while in the passenger seat, highlighting the challenges faced in combat situations despite being in a vehicle.

R06_ raises the question about specific car models like the Hurracan STO, indicating a keen interest in the game’s vehicle mechanics and possibilities for driver takedowns.

Some users, like berylskies, point out overlooked vehicles such as the Mako that also lack the capability for passenger-side shooting, adding to the complexity of car interactions in Fortnite.

Player Experiences

kitsu777 humorously mentions being a ‘very shootable’ driver of a Jäger, reflecting on the vulnerability of certain vehicles and the humor players find in their combat encounters.

TehCanadian420 and Diamond_handzz_420 share their experiences of being shot out of high-end cars like the McLaren, showcasing how even luxurious vehicles are not immune to attacks in-game.

Some users, like Cut_Equal, call for video evidence of testing methods, emphasizing the need for transparency and comprehensive research in evaluating the shooting mechanics of Fortnite cars.

Community Insights

ZoomTown discovers the variety of cars available in the game, highlighting the attention to detail in vehicle selection and rotation, contrasting with the limited shop options that players may perceive.

GuyWhoAteAllThePizza humorously confuses the post’s focus on car mechanics with personal data, showcasing the lighthearted moments that arise in discussing gameplay intricacies.

PacmanRules225 comments on the shifting landscape of Fortnite’s cosmetics impacting gameplay, indicating player concerns over the competitive advantages granted by certain cosmetic choices.

The Reddit post and ensuing discussions capture the diverse experiences and viewpoints of Fortnite players, shedding light on the complexities of vehicle combat and strategic play in the popular game.