Fortnite: Doggo and Fishstick – Best Friends or Something More?

Find out why fans are speculating on the relationship between Doggo and Fishstick in Fortnite.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players have been buzzing about the close bond between Doggo and Fishstick. Could there be more to their friendship than meets the eye?


  • Players speculate on the romantic relationship between Doggo and Fishstick
  • Quest lines hint at the duo’s close connection
  • Community finds humor and warmth in the idea of them being more than friends

Are They Just Friends?

Many players see Doggo and Fishstick as more than just friends, pointing to subtle clues in the game that hint at a deeper connection

Humor in Speculation

The community enjoys the speculation, finding humor in the idea of Doggo and Fishstick as a couple

Quest Lines and Relationships

Quest lines in the game have hinted at the possibility of a romantic relationship between Doggo and Fishstick, fueling players’ imaginations

Fans have taken to social media to share their theories and fan fiction

With their adorable interactions and shared adventures, it’s no wonder players are shipping this duo

Their friendship transcends the battlefield, adding a touch of warmth and humor to the Fortnite universe