Fortnite Emotes: Fans Unimpressed by Recent Choreography

Fortnite fans are disappointed with the recent emotes and lack of creativity in choreography.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite fans have taken to the subreddit to express their disappointment in the recent emotes and choreography in the game. Users feel that the creativity and energy in the dances have been lacking, leading to a sense of underwhelming performances. The overall sentiment is negative, with fans feeling that the iconic series emotes have lost their spark.


  • Fans are disappointed with the lack of creativity in recent emotes.
  • Users feel that the choreography has been lazy and lacks energy.
  • There is a consensus that the iconic series emotes are not living up to expectations.

EzBugatti99’s Disappointment

One user expressed their disappointment, questioning the lack of creativity and energy in the recent emotes. They feel that the choreography has been underwhelming and uninspired.

Thomasshadbolt’s Critique

Another user echoed the sentiments, mentioning the absence of creativity and expressing a desire for more energetic animations and meaningful lyrics.

CowboyAntics on ‘Smooth Slide’

One user highlighted the disconnect between the emote’s name, ‘Smooth Slide’, and the actual dance, feeling that it did not live up to its title.

Spectre-CC’s Observation

While acknowledging the history of fun and original emotes, this user noted a decline in quality, suggesting a slowdown in creativity.

Despite Fortnite’s track record of exciting emotes and dances, fans are growing increasingly disappointed with the recent releases. The lack of creativity and energy in choreography has left players feeling let down and craving the magic of past emotes. Hopefully, Epic Games will take note of these concerns and step up their game to reignite the community’s excitement.