Fortnite Epic Bundle: Did Epic Games Cook Up a Winner?

Join the debate on whether the latest Fortnite bundle from Epic Games is a hit or a miss!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite fans are buzzing about the latest bundle cooked up by Epic Games. With a mix of excitement and skepticism, players are diving into the new content to see if it lives up to the hype.


  • Players are torn between loving and hating the latest skin bundle.
  • Some players appreciate the attention to detail in the skins and items.
  • Others feel that the bundle is lacking certain features or aesthetics.

Gr8BigFatso’s Take

Gr8BigFatso is thrilled with the new bundle but wishes the Pickaxe animation was more creative.

AshamedSir5665’s Feedback

AshamedSir5665 appreciates the classic look of the skins and enjoys using them in-game.

banjoface123’s Opinion

banjoface123’s initial dislike for the skin turned into appreciation after unlocking it, especially in comparison to other versions.

ilnus’s Perspective

ilnus expresses excitement for a specific glider and shares their journey in the game.

yannick5612, GreatOwlNick, hi369, I_poop_rootbeer, gingerninja41414, Dramatic_Soup_5282, and SoftwarePrevious3994 also share their thoughts on the bundle, highlighting various aspects they love or wish were different.