Fortnite: Epic’s Decision to Remove Cars and Nitro Fists – A Controversial Move

Epic's removal of cars and nitro fists from Fortnite's solo ranked mode sparks heated debates among players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are in an uproar after Epic removed cars and nitro fists from the solo ranked mode. The decision has left the community divided, with some supporting the change while others are highly critical.


  • Players are split on Epic’s move to remove cars and nitro fists from solo ranked.
  • Some question the timing of the decision, while others see it as a positive change.
  • The debate revolves around the impact of vehicles on gameplay and balancing issues.
  • Comp players’ reactions vary, with some still dissatisfied despite adjustments made.

Reactions to the Change

Skibidimaxxer expresses frustration over the timing of the removal, questioning why this action wasn’t taken earlier when cars were causing issues. The addition of anti-vehicle items seems to have fueled the controversy further.

Darkslayer354 finds the news of the removal to be positive, suggesting a shift towards a better gaming experience without cars and nitro fists.

Comp Players’ Perspective

Fireofthetiger paints a picture of ongoing dissatisfaction among competitive players despite Epic’s efforts to address concerns. The continuous alterations and eventual removal leave many pondering the necessity of such drastic measures.

Community Sentiment

Silkysocks777 reflects the sentiment of some players who feel that the changes come too late, with everything now seemingly nerfed beyond enjoyment.

The community remains split on the decision, with debates continuing about the impact on gameplay and the competitive scene.