Fortnite Fan Favourites: Unpacking the Go-To Loadouts of Reddit Gamers

A dive into Fortnite enthusiast's favourite loadouts based on a thriving online discussion.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gearing up for some Fortnite action can be a complex strategy based on personal experience and the changing dynamics of the game. The question, ‘What’s your go-to loadout?’ posed by gamer LaughterOf_Man sparked an interesting discussion about preferred weapon arrangements and strategies.


  • Many users favour a mix of offensive and defensive items with an emphasis on health regeneration.
  • Choice of weaponry varies widely, but Nisha’s Striker and the auto shotgun are repeatedly mentioned.
  • A number of users dismiss carrying shields, preferring healing and mobility enhancing items.
  • The popular choice for escape or movement is the grapple blade, striking a balance between offence and mobility.

Weapon Choices and Tactics

User LaughterOf_Man prefers ‘Nisha’s Striker, ballistic shield, best sniper I can get with 2x zoom, extra mag, steady underbarrel, and brake nozzle.’ The sentiment echoes among others like user crewman4 who opts for a similar arrangement but substitutes shield pots for a grapple.

Staying Healthy: Shields Vs Heals

RegisterOk9411 is among the users who question the need for carrying shields, stating ‘People really carry shield and healths? No hate, just interesting.’ Preferring a riot shield, sniper, AR, Auto shot, and grapple to killers on the run, users believe more in offence, their defense being the loot they acquire from their kills. Similarly, gucci-chef packs a Striker, frenzy shotgun, grapple blade, but retains healing items and a 4x zoomed sniper.

Mobility Matters: Grapples for the Win!

In a game where mobility can mean the difference between victory and defeat, the grapple blade is a solid favourite among the users. DaMuffin_lover clearly states its importance in their loadout regardless if they have a medal or not. SK6249 also includes this popular mobility booster in their loadout alongside a Striker AR and a sniper rifle.

Although the aforementioned summary does generalise popular opinion, it’s clear that preferences can vary widely. What remains common, however, is the ongoing analysis and adaptation of the loadout to individual game plays and shifting seasons. It pours in a level of strategic depth that keeps Fortnite so exciting and dynamic. So, fellow gamers, what’s in your digital backpack?