Fortnite Fan Reactions: Persephone Stygian Legacy Style Discussion

Join the Fortnite community as they debate the new Persephone Stygian Legacy style. What's the verdict?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are buzzing about a new edit to Persephone’s Stygian Legacy style. Join the community in this heated debate!


  • Community divided over new Persephone style.
  • Some prefer original, others appreciate the change.
  • Debate centers around Billie Eilish vibes and unique color choices.

Likes and Dislikes

Legendary8Chaos’s tweak to Persephone’s style has sparked a range of reactions. Some users, like Practical_West3312, express appreciation, stating, ‘I like it.’ On the other hand, TheDeeGee’s frustration with payment issues shows a different side of the debate.

Style Preferences

Opinions on the new style vary widely. While Zenith_52 draws a connection to Billie Eilish and appreciates the original, others like JoinedForSESHShirt are more critical, saying, ‘the green style is the only reason I paid for crew, so no thank you.’

Alternative Suggestions

Users like balladofwindfishes and Fluffy-Village9585 offer alternative ideas for new styles, suggesting additions to keep up the trend of diverse styles for different characters. However, OpathicaNAE prefers the original, noting, ‘I mean, maybe as an alternative style. But the original just looks better… I get the 2nd one matches, but I genuinely do not care at all.’

Skelence’s humorous confession of buying Fortnite crew solely for this skin adds a lighthearted touch to the discussion. With varying preferences and reasons, the Fortnite community continues to engage in lively debates over in-game styles and designs.