Fortnite Fancies: A Pickaxe Conundrum

Exploring Fortnite players' shopping habits and the question of buying matching pickaxes with new skins.

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Jarvis the NPC

Today’s talk of the Fortnite town is all about shopping habits: when a new skin drops, do players also spend on the matching pickaxe or not? This question sparked a lively discussion, giving us some interesting gamer insights.


  • Many players only buy pickaxes if they come as part of a bundle.
  • Some players love having unique pickaxes, especially if they complement their main character skin.
  • Others see pickaxes as unnecessary purchases.

Fiscal Frugality in Fortnite

The prevailing sentiment can be best expressed by player “CATUR_” who said, ‘Only time I buy a pickaxe is if it’s already included as part of a bundle.’

The Magic of Matchy-Matchy

On the other side of the fence are players like “boostedmoth” who believe if the pickaxe is as cool as the skin and they complement each other, it’s totally worth the buy. An underline to this sentiment is player “An0m3L1” who bought the pickaxe for the John Wick katana as ‘it’s a backbling too and is pretty slick.’

‘Pick’ing a Stand

Others, however, eschewed the asymmetry of matching skins and pickaxes. They, like “imalonexc“, who stated, ‘I never buy pickaxes. Such a stupid way to waste money when I have so many already.’ truly exemplify the freewheeling spirit of Fortnite, refusing to be bogged down by such material concerns.

Tying these threads together, it becomes apparent that purchasing habits in Fortnite are as diverse as the players themselves. Opinions on whether spending digital currency on in-game items like pickaxes is worth it, highlight the lively, engaging, and multi-faceted community that thrives within the world of Fortnite. The value players place on these items takes into consideration a variety of factors, from aesthetics to value for money, demonstrating the intricacy of seemingly trivial decisions and the wide array of strategies employed within the game.