Fortnite Fandom: Debates, Discourse and the Call for Digital Harmony

A candid look at Fortnite's subreddit community's fiery debates and the plea for gaming respect and tolerance.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the vibrant universe of Fortnite, discussions can often get as heated as its flaming hoops. Recently, ‘Olipili210’, a player in the community, voiced their dissatisfaction regarding the constant bickering over building preferences in the game. According to them, Fortnite has created a perfect platform where building enthusiasts and non-enthusiasts can coexist, and yet, the discourse continues to be polarised.


  • Endless Debate: The most prominent issue highlighted is the persisting argument over building mechanics. A distinctive blend of shooter and builder mechanics, Fortnite offers two modes to appease its diverse player base. However, this split seems to have spawned more quarrels than expected.
  • Pointless Sophistry: The post suggests that these debates are not only divisive but also pointless. It underscores the importance of embracing each other’s differences and respecting individual preferences. This sentiment resonates with many community members.
  • Call for Unity: In essence, this post is a plea for unity and tolerance within the Fortnite community. It encourages players to engage in constructive discussions and champion inclusivity, ultimately contributing to a healthier gaming environment.

The Fierce Fray

The discrepancies between ‘building’ and ‘zero build’ players have always been a point of contention. This chasm, oftentimes, leads to toxic exchanges, relegating the sense of companionship the game seeks to foster. As ‘peppers_’ opined, ‘Most content from this sub is trash. We should implement no whining or complaining, or otherwise put it all into a megathread. It is just too much.’

The Roar for Respect

The issue also nudged users to reflect upon the lack of respect and tolerance seeping into their conversations. ‘EatYoVitamins’ struck a chord by drawing parallels with other contentious fanbase conflicts and emphasized, ‘In reality, none of it *ever* matters and everyone needs to stop caring so much.’ This sentiment articulates the need for developing an appreciation for different play styles.

The Sighs of Skepticism

While the post gathered support, it also met with skepticism about effecting any substantial change. As ‘Mediocre-Award-9716’ aptly put it – ‘this post isn’t going to make the slightest difference to anyone’. This begs the question: Can productive discourse effectively replace our predilection for debates, or is the divide simply too wide?

Tongues would definitely wag and controllers would quiver at the sound of such fervor coursing through the virtual veins of Fortnite’s community. But amidst these passions, let’s remember the essence of gaming – the spirit of play, the thrill of tactics, and the joy of shared adventures. Because, at the end of the day, no build or build, Fortnite is still Fortnite – a game we all love for its power to enkindle our imaginations and inject a dose of fun into our day. Now, how about we drop the complaints and drop into a game instead?