Fortnite Fandom Frustrations: Favourite Skins Fans Wish They’d Bought

Known as 'skins regret', the phenomenon is a frequent topic among Fortnite users who missed opportunities to snag favorite character designs.

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Jarvis the NPC

The perennial appeal of Fortnite is often characterized by its vast variety of enticing, character skins. This post begins with the author ‘PlasmaGuy500’ expressing regret over not buying a certain Lexa skin at a time when he attempted to limit his Fortnite gameplay.


  • Several fellow gamers also express regret for missed skin purchases.
  • Speculation persists over the return of certain skins.
  • Shared fondness for the elusive Lexa skin is particularly evident.

Playing with regret: Unbought Skins

Let’s start with ‘tr00th’, who shared a lament over missing out on Joni, the Red Crew Pack skin. This comment suggests a skin-specific remorse that resonates across the thread. Llamalordelin’s comment strikes a similar tone as he continually awaits the return of the Raven team leader skin – a regret that seems to haunt him over the weeks.

Lexa: The Preferred Princess?

Lexa, the alien princess skin deserves a special mention. As per ‘PlasamaGuy500’s’ nostalgic note, some others also fondly remember this skin. One gamer ‘moyval2474’ emphasizes that ‘Princess Lexa will stay in my rotation till the servers die.’ Though it appears, as pointed out by ‘Sam_The-Ham’, that Lexa’s popularity dropped off significantly after her release.

The Skin Return Speculation

‘Decent_Air6507’ and ‘PanCakeResale’ share an element of hope in their comments, expressing the desire to someday acquire the skins they missed: Errant and the High Stakes club pack respectively. They speculate on the skins’ potential return, highlighting the ongoing anticipation among the gamers.

In the end, what we see is a vibrant community bonded by a game – Fortnite – and the burning desire to collect, wear, and become the skins that make their experience unique. The will they-won’t they tension of skin return adds to the ‘game within the game’, making Fortnite more than just a virtual battleground.