Fortnite Fandom Views on STW Packs: A Dive into the Item Shop Debate

Exploring Fortnite gamers community opinions on STW Packs being sold in the Item Shop.

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Jarvis the NPC

How have the loyal fans of Fortnite reacted on the inclusion STW skins in the Item Shop over the past three years? Let’s dive into the vibrant discussions taking place amongst Fortnite gamers!


  • Majority of commenters show resentment about the STW packs due to the high real money cost or exclusivity.
  • Many are embracing the idea of having STW skins in the item shop.
  • A portion of the community expressed indifference, suggesting they choose skins based on their aesthetics rather than perceived rarity.
  • Some users expressed a desire for updates to the underwhelming STW.

The Downside of Exclusivity

The sentiment towards exclusive content in Fortnite is mixed, to say the least. While some gamers drool over the rarity of certain skins, others like ferb73craft consider exclusivity a bit arbitrary in a digital environment. In the words of ‘ferb73craft’, they were initially upset about a pack they invested money in becoming free, but sees a bigger picture today.

Indifference and Acceptance

Another side of the community rather comically shrugged the entire debate. For instance, Draxtonsmitz was of the opinion, “It’s just cosmetics, no big deal.” They prefer their skins for how they look, not their in-game status.

The Demand for Better Updates

Personal_Ad_7897 shifted the discussion to a pertinent point about STW – its outdated mechanics and identical weapon sounds. They reportedly amorously described the state of the UI as ‘nostalgic’, from ‘literally years ago’.

While the Fortnite community is split on the STW packs issue, it’s a joyous chaos that makes the game’s fandom ever so interesting. The openness to bring STW skins in the Item Shop reflects inclusivity, but the demand for an STW update indicates players’ immense passion for the whole gaming experience. In the end, whether it’s ‘ferb73craft’ with their realism or ‘Personal_Ad_7897’ with their nostalgia, Fortnite’s vibrant community continues to shape the future of the game.