Fortnite Fans Demand More Fallout Skins for Season 8 – Gamers Want the Ghoul and Ranger!

Fortnite fans are desperate for new Fallout-themed skins in Season 8, but their hopes seem to be dwindling. Will the Ghoul or Ranger make an appearance?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite fans are buzzing with excitement, hoping for the arrival of new Fallout-themed skins in Season 8. The desperation is palpable as players scour the store each day, yearning for iconic characters like The Ghoul and the NCR Ranger.


  • Die-hard Fallout fans want iconic characters like The Ghoul and Ranger as skins.
  • Players express disappointment at the current lack of Fallout representation.
  • Some users suggest easy money for Epic by featuring default characters in vault suits.
  • The community is eager to see various Fallout armor sets and characters added to the game.

Reaction to the Fallout Skins Demand

Many fans echo the sentiments of the original poster, expressing their love for Fallout and their anticipation for new skins in Fortnite Season 8. One user nostalgically suggests the addition of Vault Boy as a skin, while another mentions their readiness to purchase the NCR Ranger or T-51b, despite not buying skins for years.

Debating Potential Skins

While some players discuss their surprise at certain characters not being included as skins yet, others speculate on the profitability of featuring Vault suits or bobbleheads. The community seems intrigued by the idea of acquiring iconic armor sets like the T-51 and Enclave Power Armour, emphasizing the sheer excitement surrounding the potential additions.

Calling Out for Developer Attention

As the discussion gains momentum, players express their desire to communicate directly with the developers, hoping to convey their enthusiasm for new Fallout skins. Suggestions range from specific characters like Courier Nick or Preston to broader concepts like the X-01 Enclave skin, highlighting the diverse preferences within the community.

The fervor for Fallout-themed skins in Fortnite remains high, with players eagerly awaiting any announcements or updates from Epic Games. The excitement and passion displayed in the subreddit demonstrate the strong connection between the gaming communities of Fortnite and Fallout, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and hope for potential future collaborations.