Fortnite Fans Discuss a Cursed Jack Sparrow Body in the Latest Update

Fortnite fans weigh in on the cursed Jack Sparrow body update. Hilarity and critique ensue!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite fans recently delved into the world of cursed pirates with the new Jack Sparrow body update. The community had some hilarious and critical reactions!


  • Players note the weight loss from the curse.
  • Community suggests changing styles with a coin mechanism.
  • Humorous reactions to the cursed skin.

Weight-Loss Curse?

One user comically remarked, ‘Cereal when no milk: Cereal when has milk,’ highlighting the weight loss effect of the curse.

Changeable Styles

Another player suggested a gameplay mechanic where Jack Sparrow could change styles by interacting with a coin.

Hilarious Reactions

Community members couldn’t resist making jokes about the cursed skin, with one player referencing a ‘bad to the bone’ riff when seeing the new style.

Fortnite continues to keep its players entertained with quirky updates that spark humorous conversations and discussions among fans.