Fortnite Fans Discuss Disappointment with New Item Shop

Fortnite players are in for a surprise with the latest item shop update. Are the new items a hit or miss?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players took to Reddit to express their dismay over the limited selection in the new item shop. With only 9 new items, fans couldn’t help but question Epic Games’ effort.


  • Players criticize the lack of variety in the new item shop.
  • Some users defend the current item shop configuration, citing past improvements.
  • Speculation arises regarding Epic Games’ seasonal breaks impacting content releases.

Disappointment in Quantity

One user expressed disappointment, saying, “The new item shop only had 9 new items? They really got that lazy?” This sentiment was echoed by several others who felt let down by the limited offerings.

Defending the Changes

On the other hand, some users defended the current item shop arrangement, pointing out that it is an improvement from previous setups. According to one commenter, the recent changes are preferable to the state of the shop a few months ago.

Seasonal Patterns

Another insight shared on the subreddit was the observation that Epic Games tends to have slimmer pickings during their annual summer break. Users speculated that this was a recurring pattern, leading to fewer new items during this time.

Overall, the Fortnite community seems divided on their reception of the new item shop update. While some are disappointed with the lack of variety and perceived laziness, others appreciate the current improvements and understand the seasonal patterns of content releases.