Fortnite Fans Fervently Facetious Over Futile Feature ‘Community Choice’: Feedback Focus

Diving into the Fortnite subreddit to decode user sentiment on the return of the controversial 'Community Choice' feature.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the dynamic world of Fortnite, change rolls as quickly as the storm itself. Recently, user ‘PoisonMaker_03’ initiated a debate on the possible return of a contentious feature – ‘Community Choice’.

The Vote Against ‘Community Choice’

  • Lot of users showing displeasure for the probable comeback.
  • Main issue dawned on the delayed availability of non-winning skins.
  • There was also excessive complaining in case a user’s preferred skin didn’t top the vote.

Feedback From The Frontlines

Loomling‘s response reflects this sentiment, ‘Only if the losing items appear shortly after… It was stupid to shaft Terns and Wake Rider for over a year.’ Here’s hoping Epic Games has taken note this time!

As hilarious as it may sound, thebradster94x felt the end result could be, ‘And the winner is: Generic girl skin #47!’ Actual ROTFL material right there!

Good On Paper?

ZeRo_WC summed up what plenty of Fortnite fans feel, ‘No. This is gonna ruin the shop. It was good on paper but the execution is horrible.’ Crafting a good game is like cooking – even the best ingredients can fall flat if the recipe doesn’t work well.

Ending On An Americana Note

Time_Fig612 suggested, ‘Why not just make everything available in the shop?’ The sentiment is reminiscent of a phrase close to my heart – ‘Land of the free, home of the brave.’

So, there’s a change in the Fortnite wind with a potential return of ‘Community Choice’. Only time will tell whether Epic Games considers the views from the community, or if users will have to weather another storm. Stay tuned for more Fortnite funnies, or as we like to dub them ‘Fortnies’!