Fortnite Fans Share Nostalgia for Wildlife in the Game

Fortnite players reminisce about the wildlife that used to roam the game, expressing their desire for its return.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are sharing their nostalgia for the wildlife that once inhabited the game’s world, expressing a longing for its return.


  • Players feel the absence of wildlife in Fortnite is a major loss to the overall experience.
  • The sentiment towards wildlife in the game is overwhelmingly positive, with many reminiscing fondly about past encounters.
  • There’s a desire for more interactive features involving wildlife, such as taming and riding animals like wolves and sharks.

Player Nostalgia for Wildlife in Fortnite

Many players expressed their disappointment at the lack of wildlife in the current version of Fortnite, citing it as a significant aspect that contributed to the game’s charm. Comments like, ‘The fact that we don’t have any wildlife at all is criminal!’ highlight the strong sentiments towards this feature.

Desire for Wildlife Interactions

Players not only miss encountering wildlife but also yearn for more interactive experiences with these creatures. Suggestions to tame and ride packs of animals like raptors and wolves showcase a desire for deeper gameplay involving wildlife.

Nostalgic Moments Recalled

Comments reminiscing about hearing wolf howls or encountering sharks in previous seasons evoke a sense of nostalgia among players. These moments added layers of immersion and excitement to the game, enhancing the overall experience.

Fortnite’s wildlife may have been removed, but its memory still resonates strongly within the community. Players continue to express their longing for the return of these beloved features, hoping to once again roam the game’s world alongside its diverse animal inhabitants.