Fortnite Fans Want Cammy Back: A Dive into the Subreddit

What do Fortnite players have to say about bringing back Cammy? Let's find out from the subreddit!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite fans are buzzing with excitement over the possibility of Cammy making a return to the game. JalenCR expresses regret for not acquiring her earlier:


  • Fans are eager for Street Fighter characters like Cammy and Akuma to return.
  • Players want stylish skins like Cammy’s denim outfit over plain designs.
  • There is demand for re-releases of popular skins locked behind the item shop.

Excitement for Cammy’s Return

Many players like Jamal_Blart and JacsweYT are thrilled about the prospect of Street Fighter characters returning. Jamal expresses anticipation for any character from the franchise, while JacsweYT specifically mentions wanting Ryu.

Environmental Impact

SliceNDice432 brings up a valid point about the fashion choices for returning characters. They suggest opting for newer outfits like Cammy’s denim attire instead of outdated looks.

Financial Considerations

FatAndChilling raises concerns about exclusive skins residing in the item shop. They highlight the financial benefits for the developers by reintroducing popular skins, making it a win-win situation for both parties.