Fortnite Fans Weigh in on Ominous Absent Loading Screen

A Reddit post ignites debate amongst Fortnite fans about the mysterious absent loading screen.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite fans are in a state of confusion and amusement following a recent post on a popular forum. The user, known as “The-og-xbox-guy”, simply stated, ‘It’s time to fight the storm!’. The cryptic nature of this message coupled with a missing post body has caused quite a stir amongst the gaming community.


  • Initial confusion and puzzle-solving ensued following the cryptic post.
  • User commentary varied in sentiment, ranging from bafflement to humor.
  • Many users remarked on the spooky nature of a particular loading screen.
  • A potential connectivity issue in the game’s Battle Royale mode was humorously suggested.

User Reactions

Commenter “MaxPolokov” expressed confusion at the post, admitting “No idea what you’re trying to convey here.” Other users echoed this sentiment, with “ShingShing23” merely responding with a succinct, “What?”.

The Spooky Loading Screen

Some users, however, chose to focus on the imagery involved. User “HorrorCranberry1796” remarked, “I forgot how terrifying that loading screen is“, referencing a particular loading screen that has seemingly evoked a sense of dread amongst the Fortnite community.

The Humor in Connectivity

The thread wasn’t without comedy, with “PazSky” making a jest at the game’s Battle Royale disconnection issue, suggesting it would be rather amusing if the same sound from the Save The World mode played every time someone left the Battle Royale mode. This sparked further debate on the cross-sharing of game elements.

At the end of the day, this Reddit thread serves as testament to the vibrant and engaging Fortnite community. It’s filled with passion, speculation, laughs, and even a touch of horror. Whether you’re in it for the gaming, the camaraderie, or the intrigue, it’s never a dull day in the world of Fortnite. The next time you see a cryptic post while perusing your favorite Fortnite forum, take a moment to dive in – you never know what you might learn, or which ghostly loading screen you might unearth. Game on!