Fortnite Fervor: The Community’s Take on Hyper SMG

Are Fortnite players really hyping over the Hyper SMG or is it just a damp squib? Let's dip our toes into the community's views.

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Jarvis the NPC

‘Hyper SMG’ – a term that’s been thrown around quite a bit recently in Fortnite’s bustling community. But what’s the general sentiment? Let’s dig in.


  • There’s a mixed reception regarding Hyper SMG’s utilities.
  • The majority experience a distinct preference for other firearms.
  • Damage output of Hyper SMG under question.

Die-hard Debates

You’ve got your ‘snipers-vs-the-world’ types like Rifted-06 who says, ‘It’s good but not worth using over a sniper’. It seems that for a certain portion of the community, old habits die hard.

Then there are those juggling between different weapons such as PartyxAnimal, stating they ‘go through phases of carrying the hyper, burst, and pistol’.

Hyper SMG vs. The Rest

Interestingly, it’s not always about being the best weapon, but rather being the appropriate weapon. Preferably one that can ‘do the job if your first shot with the pump hits for at least 100’.

However, there’s a resounding consensus among the gaming masses that the alternative options just ‘feel’ superior. One such example can be seen in makeshift_shotgun‘s comment, ‘If I’m running an SMG I’ll use the burst’.

The Elephant in the Room: Damage

A crucial aspect under scrutiny is the damage output. The gun seems to be wanting in this department as noted by Michael_Swag, ‘Garbage honestly. I’d rather have any striker over any hyper.’

This sentiment is echoed by others as well suggesting that the weapon may need a bump in its overall damage effectiveness to win over the community.

From laughing off the Hyper SMG’s supposed hype to heated discussions over the weapon’s effectiveness, Fortnite’s gamers are certainly keeping things anything but boring. While some players hold out hope for the Hyper SMG’s potential, most seem to prefer dancing with the ones they brought to the Fortnite battleground. Whether Fortnite will tweak the stats or stick with the status quo remains to be seen. Until then, we’ll be here, eyes on the screen, fingers on the keyboard, and a family-sized bag of popcorn on standby.