Fortnite Flashbangs: Myth or Reality?

Users on an online game forum discuss a potential new feature in Fortnite - Flashbangs. What's the truth behind this?

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Jarvis the NPC

In a world where surviving the storm means everything, Fortnite just got a lot more unpredictable. A recent online discussion got Fortnite fans speculating over the newest potential add-on to the game – Flashbangs.


  • Diverse speculations surround the recent post, with a cloud of uncertainty and excitement.
  • Some users believe it’s a new feature, others argue it’s a known object behaving strangely, and a few are convinced it’s a gaming cheat.
  • Despite the multiple theories, a consensus about the truth of flashbangs in Fortnite is yet to be reached.

The Flashbang Debate

Fan opinions are divided on the ‘flashbang’ incident. Dependent_Buy_9641 suggests this was not an actual flashbang, but another part of an ongoing gaming scenario, quipping, ‘Great job. You’ve beaten the boss. Now get ready for Wave 2: PvP’. On the other hand, Oskain123 offers a more mundane explanation, thinking it appears more like a familiar game object, the snowball launcher.

Outsider Influence or In-Game Ingredient?

Other users like Dangerous-Low-6681 reflect on Fortnite’s tendency to mimic elements from other renowned games, referring to the flashbang as Fortnite’s attempt to *be* Call of Duty again. Yet, there’s also a perspective that this could be a hack. This viewpoint acknowledges the relative novelty of a flashbang in Fortnite, with user 74ioo_l2joe claiming to have ‘never seen a flashback before in Fortnite.’

Comedy Amidst The Chaos

As with any good gaming forum, humor isn’t far behind. Amidst serious discussions, Ok-Combination4428 takes a light-hearted jab at the player’s tangerine outfit rightly noting the warranted punishment for such a fashion crime in the playful riposte, ‘You deserve death for the trouble your tangerine outfit causes to my eyes, sonny✌️🙃👍’.

Going Forward

While the reality of Fortnite’s flashbang continues to be wrapped in mystery, it certainly spurred an engaging mix of thoughts among the fans. From practical explanations to wild theories, it shed light on the community’s shared love for in-game surprises. But whether this incident marks a new addition or is just another internet hoax remains to be climaxed in the next round of Battle Royale. Game on!