Fortnite Fluid Motion Slip-up: Gaming Community Weighs in

The Fortnite community reacts to the update and its unexpected side effect- an interrupt to fluid player motion.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the lively world of Fortnite, a new update seems to be stirring the hornet’s nest–and unfortunately, not for the best reasons. With the update, players are finding a hiccup when it comes to running, sliding, and smoothly transitioning back into running again.


  • Concerns erupt within the Fortnite community regarding a flaw in transitioning between running and sliding post-update.
  • Various users suggest workarounds and bring to light the issue’s broad reach— it’s not limited to particular platforms or gaming methods.
  • Humor and sarcasm sneak in as players express mixed feelings towards the identified bug.

Frustration over Fluid Motion

The game feels really slow now after this last update today,’ vents gaboonviper23, expressing the general annoyance. Lack of fluid motion turns out to be irksome, indeed.

Different Platforms, Same Problem

It turns out that this isn’t an issue limited to a particular set of gamers. Reddit user xxx_zitro_xxx, explains, ‘Happens to me in creative too so this is definitely a bug with inputs.’ Further validating this, Xbox player, HopsDem, says,’Happening to me as well on Xbox with controller

Workarounds and Humorous Hits Making Round

Some players found a way to tackle the bug while others chose to channel some wit amid the commotion. Xxx_zitro_xxx suggests, ‘It works if you exit your slide with a spring instead of crouch again‘. Meanwhile, JD_Crichton injects a jarring ‘thank god‘, bringing in humor laced with relief, perhaps?

Sounds of Silence from Epic

The thread contains no specific response from Epic Games, but that does not prevent Affectionate-Menu445 from humorously predicting their reply. ‘Epic will read this and say ohhhhh they want morty back in the shop and our supposed update is the best‘, Affectionate-Menu445 quips. The user’s comment strikes a chord with the implicit clamor for acknowledgment from the game developers.

So the bug has players bouncing between frustration and humor, posing a mixed bag of reactions. Importantly, it raises a question: how prompt will Epic Games be at acknowledging the reported bug and developing a fix? Only time can tell.