Fortnite Foresight: Was Kato Teased Before His Time?

Discovering potential easter eggs in Fortnite, players investigate whether Kato was teased seasons ahead.

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Jarvis the NPC

Imagine playing Fortnite with your favourite original skin, and suddenly spotting a suspicious detail. That’s what happened to a player, known as ‘Bilbo_Teabagginss’, who made an intriguing discovery while examining a sleek bat design – it bore a striking resemblance to Kato, a character introduced into the game much later.


  • Suspicions arose over a familiar bat design in Fortnite
  • The design bears resemblance to character Kato, fuelling speculation
  • Player opinions differ, igniting a fierce debate

Redditors Respond

‘HotBroccoliSauce’ praised ‘Bilbo_Teabagginss’ for his attentiveness, applauding his discovery in the comments. Probing further, ‘Medium-Boysenberry64’ enquired about the timeline of the skin.

Skeptics vs. Believers

‘DependentWall938’ is somewhat skeptical, suggesting that ‘it’s most probably a coincidence’. He points out the shared blue color palette and the fact that the design is not as unique when considering the habitual use of similar hues by the developers. However, there are others who appreciate the discovery, seeing it as a thoughtful detail by the developers.

End Thoughts: Coincidence or Not?

Was it truly a foreshadow or just an unintended similarity? The argument is still hot. Players await a clue or confirmation from the developer about this uncanny connection, even as everybody appreciates the nuanced complexity of the gaming world.

Fortnite continues to foster intrigue and amazement amongst its players with its intricate details and meticulous designs. Maybe it was a coincidence. Or perhaps, just like ‘Bilbo_Teabagginss’, we might be connecting dots that aren’t actually there. Until then, let the spirited debate continue!