Fortnite Frenzy: The Drum Shotgun vs Auto Frenzy Debate

A deep dive into the Fortnite community's mixed sentiments on the drum shotgun and auto frenzy debate.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the Fortnite universe, a pertinent question that’s been ricocheting around the community lately is whether the Drum Shotgun or Auto Frenzy reigns supreme.


  • There’s a split consensus between preferring the Drum Shotgun or Auto Frenzy
  • Some view the Drum Shotgun as overpowered, others appreciate its power
  • The Auto Frenzy is thought to be more balanced by some, but viewed as a lesser alternative by others

The Drum Shotgun

Competitive_Pool_820, amongst others, expressed admiration for the Drum Shotgun’s dominance, likening it to an ultimate weapon of destruction. Similarly, DieselFloss stated preference for the Drum Shotgun, albeit stressing that they like both.

The Auto Frenzy

On the flip side, Sardemanation argues the Auto Frenzy is more balanced, and Diamond_Drew_1 prefers it due to modability and damage. To some, these aspects are a winning formula over the raw power of the Drum Shotgun.


Not all players are team Drum Shotgun or team Auto Frenzy. Intrepid_Cabinet9795 admitted their disdain for both weapons, and Kntrtn described the weapons as taking the fun out of the game. It seems these users yearn for more balanced weapons that demand skill with no particular edge.

When all’s said and done, everyone’s got their personal game style and it’s clear there is no one-size-fits-all weapon in the Fortnite community. It’s the blend of opinions and playstyles that keep the Fortnite universe endlessly intriguing and forever unpredictable.