Fortnite Frustration: Bullets Made of Air???

A Fortnite player is furious after shots from the frenzy shotgun deal zero damage, sparking a debate on packet loss.

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Jarvis the NPC

A Fortnite player recently experienced close-range shots from the frenzy shotgun dealing zero damage, leading to frustration among players. Could it be bullets made of air?


  • Packet loss may have caused shots to not register.
  • Players highlighted server issues affecting gameplay.
  • Some suggested improving internet connection for smoother gameplay.

Packet Loss Woes

Many users pointed out that the player’s packet loss during the encounter could explain why the shots did not register. When packet loss occurs, it can lead to lag and inconsistency in gameplay.

Server Struggles

Comments highlighted Epic’s server issues, indicating that recent problems may have contributed to the player’s frustrating experience. Technical difficulties affecting the game’s performance were a common concern.

Connection Concerns

Improving internet stability was a recurring suggestion among users, emphasizing the importance of a reliable connection for optimal gameplay. Addressing network issues could help prevent similar incidents in the future.

Overall, players shared their insights and experiences regarding the frustrating situation, shedding light on various factors that can impact gameplay in Fortnite.