Fortnite: Grey Skin Bug Discussion – Community Feedback

Check out what Fortnite players have to say about the grey skin bug issue in the game and how it's impacting their gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are buzzing about a bizarre bug that’s turning a skin’s color grey instead of black. Is it a major issue or just a minor hiccup in the game’s design?


  • Players are experiencing a skin color bug, with mixed reactions.
  • Community suggests adjusting graphics settings for a potential fix.
  • Some find the bug tolerable, while others are bothered by the inconsistency.

Reactions and Opinions

Many players like _M0RR0 weren’t even aware of the bug, emphasizing the attractiveness of the skin regardless. It seems like a mixed bag, where some users are unaffected, like Captain_Pent, while others notice the issue keenly,

Graphics Settings Impact

Temiksus suggests that tweaking the Effect Quality settings may alleviate the problem, hinting at a potential workaround that players can explore to address the bug’s impact on visuals. Others, like alexfrizzell, have observed discrepancies between the in-game depiction and the thumbnail imagery.

Performance Mode Concerns

Funkyavocado raises a salient point regarding the bug potentially being linked to Performance mode, noting how certain graphical elements may be omitted in this setting. Dark_Vader77 finds humor in the situation, poking fun at the skin design despite the bug’s existence.

Community Engagement

AutoModerator steps in with a gentle reminder for players to report bugs to Epic Games directly, showcasing the community-driven approach to resolving such issues.