Fortnite: Is a Legendary Pistol the Most Rare Item in the Game?

Exploring the rarity of legendary pistols in Fortnite and what players have to say about it.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are buzzing about the scarcity of legendary pistols in the game. A Reddit post delves into the debate. Is a Legendary Pistol the most rare item in the game? I swear I rarely ever see one.


  • Players debate the rarity of legendary pistols in Fortnite.
  • Some claim slurp mushrooms are the rarest drop.
  • The hand cannon is also contested as a rare find.

Players’ Sentiments

One player argued, ‘Nah, the rarest item is probably a slurp mushroom, but the leg pistol is still pretty rare. I got it once from a normal chest.’

Gameplay Experience

Another commented, ‘I love the pistol but have never found a gold one. The purple one is great for takedowns.’

Nostalgic Feelings

A player reminisced, ‘I used to find those things every single game in the other seasons.’

Meta-Game Observations

A user remarked, ‘I don’t think I’ve ever seen one besides in loot drops, but the number of times I’ve seen a blue pistol is staggering.’