Fortnite Locker UI Changes: What Are Players Expecting?

Will Fortnite players see positive changes in the locker UI or face more disappointments? Reddit users share their hopes and fears.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are anxiously awaiting news on potential upcoming locker UI changes. Tomorrow’s update may bring relief or frustration to the community as the fate of their complaints hangs in the balance.


  • Players express mixed feelings about potential locker UI changes
  • Hopes for improvements clash with fears of more disappointments
  • Some players are hesitant to trust Epic Games to address community feedback

Expectations and Frustrations

Many players are hopeful that the upcoming update will address their concerns, with some cautiously optimistic based on past feedback response from Epic Games. However, others express frustration and worry that the changes may not align with player preferences, potentially leading to more discontent.

Concerns and Skepticism

Players like OneBillPhil are holding back on purchasing the Battle Pass until they see improvements, showcasing a lack of trust in the current state of the locker UI. This sentiment is echoed by Dexchampion99, who acknowledges past improvements but remains cautious about the future.

Hopes and Desires

Meanwhile, players like TapDancingDogs and RagtagVenom voice specific requests for features like shuffle presets, emphasizing the importance of functionality in the locker UI experience. The community is vocal about their desires for practical and user-friendly changes.

The ongoing dialogue on Reddit reflects a mix of anticipation, skepticism, and longing for positive adjustments in Fortnite’s locker UI. As players brace themselves for the update, the outcome remains uncertain, leaving the community in a state of both excitement and apprehension.