Fortnite Lockers: Players Express Frustration on Reddit

Players on Reddit express frustration over Fortnite's locker menu issues and broken promises.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are venting their frustrations on Reddit about the game’s locker menu. Users express disappointment over continued issues and broken promises.


  • Players feel let down by Fortnite’s locker menu, citing numerous bugs and persistent problems.
  • There is a sense of skepticism among users regarding Epic Games’ promises to improve the locker in future updates.
  • Some users believe that revenue considerations may be influencing the lack of action on fixing the locker issues.

Players’ Frustrations

Many users, like MemeTheDruggie, believe that the locker system has only deteriorated over time rather than improving as promised. The removal of rarities was particularly irksome to players.

Promises vs. Reality

Wrinklebear points out the wording of Epic Games’ promises, suggesting that they technically haven’t lied but haven’t fulfilled player expectations. This has led to a feeling of betrayal among some members of the community.

Revenue Impact

Drewskeet raises an interesting point about the potential link between revenue and Epic Games’ decision-making. The lack of a clear negative impact on profits may be a reason why the locker issues are not being prioritized for fixes.