Fortnite: Magnetos Glider and Metallica Contrail Buzz on Reddit

The Magnetos glider with Metallica contrail is getting raving reviews on Reddit! What makes it so special?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite fans are buzzing about the Magnetos glider with Metallica contrail, and it’s clear that this combo is a hit among players. The unique blend of music and style has captivated the community, creating a wave of excitement on the subreddit.


  • Players are praising the cool factor of the glider and its synchronization with the Metallica contrail.
  • Some users express disappointment with other gliders not matching up to this level of awesomeness.
  • The music from the contrail adds a new dynamic to the gameplay experience, enhancing the overall immersion.

Positive Vibes

One user, AnthonyXeno, enthusiastically shares, ‘THIS GLIDER IS SO AMAZING! Definitely my favorite!’ It’s clear that the combination of Magnetos glider and Metallica contrail has struck a chord with players, elevating their in-game experience.

Concerns Raised

WuShanDroid expresses a wish for improvements, stating, ‘If only Commander’s Descent was fixed to not jog :(((.’ Some players are pointing out issues with other gliders, highlighting areas for potential enhancements in the game.

Game Immersion

ABAgamer humorously remarks, ‘The definition of “why do I hear boss music?”’ This comment reflects how the music element from the contrail adds a fresh and engaging layer to the gameplay, immersing players further into the Fortnite universe.

RealEyeless303’s comment, ‘Goes hard with power armor,’ hints at the impactful presence the glider and contrail combo brings to the game, making players feel empowered and in control.

Ultimately, the Magnetos glider with Metallica contrail has resonated strongly with the Fortnite community, sparking discussions, excitement, and a renewed passion for the game. Players are eager to see more innovative and immersive features like this added to enhance their gaming experiences.