Fortnite: Magneto’s Gloves – Love or Hate?

The new Magneto's Gloves in Fortnite are stirring up emotions in the community - love or hate?

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are buzzing about the incredible new item – Magneto’s Gloves. This addition to the game has sparked a lot of debate and excitement among the player base.


  • Players are divided on the balance of Magneto’s Gloves, some finding them exciting while others worry about potential nerfs.
  • Comparisons are drawn between Magneto’s Gloves and other collaborative weapons in Fortnite.
  • There’s a mix of enthusiasm and skepticism regarding the longevity of Magneto’s Gloves in the game.

Love for Magneto’s Gloves

aa5k expressed their admiration, likening watching gameplay with the gloves to a movie. The sheer joy and entertainment value seem to be skyrocketing.

In contrast, joeMAMAkim argued that the gloves are reasonably balanced compared to other collab items this season, suggesting a positive perspective among some players.

Concerns and Criticisms

However, not all players are as thrilled. diesaikoro believes that the gloves are counterable and require multiple hits, providing a counterargument to the excitement around them.

HunterRenegade09’s comment sarcastically points out the potential negativity surrounding fun in the game, reflecting a skeptical viewpoint towards Magneto’s Gloves.

Overall, the community seems split between those who see the gloves as a refreshing addition and those who are cautious about their impact on gameplay.