Fortnite: Magneto’s Second Quest Sparks Controversy Among Players

Venting frustrations over Magneto's quest difficulty sparks heated discussions among Fortnite players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are up in arms over Magneto’s second quest, sparking heated discussions on subreddit posts. The quest’s difficulty level, which requires purchasing a quest item from Magneto himself, has triggered a wave of backlash from players, prompting many to voice their frustrations online. Players are finding it challenging to complete the quest due to its unique mechanics, leading to a flurry of mixed reactions and suggestions on how to improve the quest.


  • Players are frustrated with the requirement to purchase an item from Magneto for the quest.
  • Suggestions include simplifying the quest mechanics for better player experience.
  • Some players argue that the quest’s difficulty level adds an element of challenge and longevity to the game.

Player Frustrations

Many players expressed frustration with the quest’s design, particularly the need to purchase the quest item from Magneto instead of finding it through gameplay. One player remarked, “The fact that it just sells out by just existing makes it too difficult.” This sentiment was echoed by several others who found the quest’s mechanics overly complicated and not in line with traditional Fortnite challenges.

Suggestions and Feedback

Amid the criticisms, some players offered suggestions to improve the quest experience. One player proposed, “Change it so that you just have to talk to Magneto to get the quest done.” This alternative approach aimed to streamline the quest and make it more accessible to all players, reducing the reliance on luck or specific gameplay strategies.

Community Debate

The community is divided on the issue, with some players appreciating the quest’s difficulty level for adding a new layer of challenge to the game. One player commented, “There’s no reason to change the quest,” highlighting the long duration of the quest period and the opportunity for players to progress at their own pace.

Overall, the discussion surrounding Magneto’s second quest in Fortnite showcases the diverse opinions within the player base regarding game challenges and design choices. As players continue to engage with the quest and share their feedback online, it remains to be seen how Epic Games will address the community’s concerns and balance player satisfaction with gameplay complexity.