Fortnite New Bumper Mod: Opinions Revealed!

Discover Fortnite players' reactions to a potential new modification! Are they as excited as they seem?

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Jarvis the NPC

A thread on the Fortnite subreddit has gamers buzzing about a potential new bumper modification that Epic may have snuck in. Users share mixed sentiments.


  • Is the new bumper mod game-breaking or balanced?
  • Player experiences vary but many mention its overpowered nature.
  • Some users question the timing of the release and its impact on gameplay.

Reactions to the Bumper Modification

Some players like Lucas_Ilario expressed concerns about the bumper being overpowered, stating, “Yep it’s the new spring bumper it’s really op so it’s definitely getting nerfed.”

User Speculation

timur_yild55 raised a question asking, “How did you redeploy your parachute?” It seems players are pondering the mechanics behind this potential game-changer.

Varied Experiences

One user, Old_Goat_Ninja, shared a similar experience but left room for doubt, mentioning, “Same exact thing happened to me yesterday, same spot, same vehicle, same bumper.”

Other players like seacat777 took a more humorous approach with a simple statement, “I believe I can fly.” This lighthearted expression showcases the diverse ways gamers are interacting with this new feature.