Fortnite: Nitro Fall Damage Mystery Explained!

Discover the truth behind why Nitro doesn't always stop fall damage in Fortnite.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players were left puzzled by the inconsistent protection of Nitro against fall damage. The post sheds light on why this happens.


  • Nitro’s fall damage protection in Fortnite can glitch out, leaving players vulnerable.
  • A medallion equipped with Nitro may not always provide complete protection.
  • Angled terrain can trigger glitches in fall damage protection mechanisms.

Exploring Nitro’s Fall Damage Dilemma

Players shared varied experiences with Nitro’s fall damage protection. Some believed it glitched due to specific items equipped, while others highlighted terrain interactions as the culprit. The community’s explanations ranged from insightful to humorous, showcasing their understanding of Fortnite’s mechanics.

The Nitro Medallion Debate

The debate around the efficacy of the Nitro medallion added depth to the discussion. Players debated whether the medallion’s function was inconsistent, leading to unexpected fall damage incidents. The conflicting viewpoints revealed the intricacies of in-game item interactions.

Angled Terrain Anomalies

Discussion on how angled terrain affected fall damage protection drew attention to potential glitches in the game’s physics engine. Players recounted instances where slopes and angles disrupted Nitro’s protective capabilities, adding a layer of complexity to the issue.

Ultimately, the Fortnite community’s lively discourse on Nitro’s fall damage quirks showcased their passion for understanding the game’s mechanics and sharing insights with fellow players.