Fortnite: One Week Reflections on OG Reload Game Mode

Read what Fortnite players think about the new OG Reload mode after a week of gameplay.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players have been sharing their thoughts on the new OG reload game mode after its release. From excitement to frustration, the community has had mixed feelings about the experience. Let’s dive into the buzz surrounding this latest addition.


  • Players find the mode challenging and enjoyable with friends.
  • The inaccuracy of weapons is a common complaint among users.
  • Some players appreciate the alternative to the main BR game mode.

Sweat and Fun Coexist

Opinions on the OG Reload mode are mixed, with some players finding it a sweaty yet enjoyable experience. ‘Sweaty as fawk. But it’s not as OG as I was expecting,’ remarked one Redditor, highlighting the intensity of gameplay.

Weapon Woes

One common complaint among players is the inaccuracy of weapons in the mode. Despite the excitement, many players find themselves getting lasered every time they step out of cover. ‘Every weapon is inaccurate as f**k but somehow I still get lasered every time,’ shared a frustrated player.

Alternative to Main BR

For some players, the OG Reload mode serves as a good alternative when they want a break from the main BR mode. ‘Very good alternative if you’re too tired or don’t want to play the main BR mode,’ mentioned a Redditor, appreciating the different gameplay experience.

Reflecting on one week of the OG Reload mode, players have a range of opinions on its gameplay experience. From intense battles to frustrating inaccuracies, the mode has elicited varied reactions from the Fortnite community. As players continue to explore this new addition, it will be interesting to see how Epic Games responds to player feedback and potentially updates the mode based on community suggestions.