Fortnite Open World Map Concept – Building Dreams in the Fortnite Universe

Exploring player dreams for a massive open world map in Fortnite - see what the hype is all about!

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever dreamed of a vast open world in Fortnite where the possibilities are endless? Reddit users share their imaginative thoughts on a potential new map concept. From expanding player counts to envisioning grand narratives, the community is buzzing with excitement. The idea of a larger-than-life map is not just a wish but a collective aspiration for a new adventure in the Fortnite universe.


  • Players dream of a massive open-world map in Fortnite, expanding beyond the current boundaries.
  • Envisioning enhanced gameplay experiences with larger player counts and epic story modes.
  • Hopes for a map that rivals iconic open-world games like Witcher and Skyrim, offering endless exploration possibilities.

Player Aspirations

“We gonna bump the player count up to 300 because that’s gonna be a big map,” suggests FunkoPoppa, echoing the sentiment shared by many players who long for a more expansive gaming experience in Fortnite.

Ambitious Ideas

“Oh god imagine the patch file size,” jokes JoshyBoy225, highlighting concerns about practical challenges that come with creating such a vast game world.

Gaming Nostalgia

“Looks awesome; reminds me of Witcher and Skyrim,” remarks CourseWorried2500, drawing parallels between the envisioned map and beloved open-world titles, reflecting a sense of nostalgia among players for rich, immersive environments.

Players eagerly suggest ideas for a new map concept in Fortnite, dreaming of a gaming landscape that pushes boundaries and offers limitless opportunities for exploration and engagement. The community’s enthusiasm for expansive gameplay experiences shines through their creative and ambitious visions, showcasing a collective yearning for new adventures in the Fortnite universe.