Fortnite Players Complain About Visibility Issues on PS5

Fortnite players express frustration with visibility challenges on PS5, leading to unfair advantages.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are voicing their frustration over visibility issues on the PS5, with console players feeling disadvantaged compared to their PC counterparts. The inability to spot enemies easily in certain areas of the map has sparked a heated debate among the community.


  • Console players struggle to spot enemies due to visibility issues.
  • PC players have a significant advantage in detecting opponents.
  • Community divided on the fairness of cross-platform play.

PC Advantage

Many PC players acknowledge the disparity in visibility between platforms, with one player noting the drastic difference when transitioning from PC to PS5.

Cross-Platform Concerns

Players raise concerns about the fairness of cross-play, arguing that PC players adjusting graphical settings for an advantage undermines the competitive balance.

Console Disadvantage

Console players highlight specific areas on the map where visibility issues are most prevalent, leading to frustrating encounters and unfair disadvantages.

The ongoing debate surrounding visibility challenges in Fortnite continues to stir controversy within the community, with players advocating for a more balanced gameplay experience. As the conversation evolves, it remains to be seen how developers will address these concerns to ensure a level playing field for all players.