Fortnite: Players Demand Increased Drop Rate for Magneto Gloves

Players in Fortnite are frustrated with the current drop rate of Magneto gloves and seek improvements.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are voicing their discontent on Reddit regarding the drop rate of the Magneto gloves from chests. The difficulty in completing Magneto quests has sparked a wave of complaints and suggestions from the community.


  • Players find the current drop rate of Magneto gloves too low, impacting quest completion.
  • Suggestions include increasing the stock available or making the gloves legendary to justify their rarity.
  • Many players express frustration at the challenges associated with acquiring the gloves.

Voices of Frustration

Many players feel overwhelmed by the challenge of acquiring the Magneto gloves, with some suggesting potential solutions to improve the gameplay experience. User ‘mayorofanything’ highlights the scarcity of the gloves, calling for adjustments to make them more accessible. The sentiment is echoed by ‘Official-idiot-05,’ who criticizes the rarity of the item compared to its usefulness in the game.

Confusion and Disappointment

Some players, like ‘LycheePrevious7777,’ report confusion about where to find the gloves, adding to the frustration of completing quests. ‘AmyRose1994’ expresses anger at the perceived hurdles created by the mission, venting about the difficulty of a task that offers only a spray as a reward.

Strategies and Solutions

Others, such as ‘holydiver2099,’ opt for a strategic approach, suggesting waiting out the initial storm to tackle challenging missions more effectively. User ‘DieselFloss’ also advises patience and strategic gameplay to overcome the obstacles posed by the current drop rate of the Magneto gloves.

The community’s engagement with the issue underscores the importance of balancing gameplay challenges to ensure a positive player experience in Fortnite.