Fortnite: Players Discuss Missing Weapons and Items in the Game

Fortnite fans share their excitement for the return of nostalgic weapons and items in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are reminiscing over beloved weapons and items from the past, hoping to see them return in the game’s future updates. From the Guided Missile Launcher to the suppressed SMG, players are expressing their desires for these iconic items.


  • Players are eagerly awaiting the return of nostalgic weapons like the Guided Missile Launcher.
  • The suppressed SMG and other classic items are missed by the community.
  • Some players feel that certain items added as replacements are not as fun or unique.

Community Reactions to Missing Weapons

Many players share the sentiment of FinnishBeyblader who desires the Guided Missile Launcher, appreciating its unique mechanics and explosive playstyle. Some, like Miserable-Time-7972, long for the suppressed SMG’s return, feeling its absence keenly.

Debate Over Item Reintroduction

While go0ulish patiently waits for the Guided Missile Launcher’s potential return, others like xKNYTEx express frustration at its absence in creative mode. The community seems divided on whether certain items should be reintroduced, highlighting the complexity of balancing player nostalgia and game evolution.

Looking Towards the Future

As players like Smiles4YouRawrX3 speculate on Epic Games’ motives for withholding certain items from creative mode, the desire for a variety of weapons and items remains strong. Whether it’s the dragons’ breath shotgun or Xenon Bow, players yearn for the familiar and exciting gameplay experiences these items once provided.