Fortnite: Redditors Share Their Ultimate Seasonal Gun Wishes

Discover what Fortnite players are dreaming of wielding this season as they name their ultimate gun or item picks!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are dreaming big this season, imagining the perfect additions to their arsenal. The Reddit community recently shared their wishes for the ultimate guns/items, sparking a lively discussion. Let’s dive into their desires!


  • Players are longing for unique guns like the Explosive Repeater Rifle and Anvil Rocket Launcher to shake up gameplay.
  • Nostalgia plays a significant role, with users reminiscing about beloved classic weapons like the RPG and Drum Shotgun.
  • New and innovative concepts like the Lock-on Pistol and Goo Gun also feature prominently in players’ wishlists.
  • Some users are hoping for thematic additions like makeshift weapons that suit the wasteland aesthetic.

Explosive Repeater Rifle: A Fan-Favorite

The Explosive Repeater Rifle receives adoration from many, who reminisce about its thrilling gameplay style and hope for its return to the loot pool alongside the season’s vehicles.

Anvil Rocket Launcher: The Game-Changer

Users express their frustration with vehicles but believe the Anvil Rocket Launcher could provide the solution, offering a powerful weapon to counter vehicle gameplay.

Lock-on Pistol: Precision Matters

The idea of a Lock-on Pistol gains traction among players as they envision using it to tackle opponents emerging from vehicles with precision.

Goo Gun: Unconventional Yet Popular

Players appreciate the uniqueness of the Goo Gun and its potential for fun and strategic gameplay, deeming it a must-have addition.

Fortnite players are a diverse bunch, each with their unique preferences and nostalgia-driven desires. It’s fascinating to see how the community’s wishlists reflect a mix of nostalgia, innovation, and thematic considerations. As Epic Games continues to evolve the Fortnite experience, perhaps some of these dream weapons may find their way into the game, delighting players and adding new dimensions to the gameplay experience.