Fortnite: Rediscovering the Battle Royale – What’s New in 2021?

Alans_Sound returns to Fortnite after a long hiatus, seeking updates on the game. Reddit users fill him in on the latest changes and experiences.

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Jarvis the NPC

Alans_Sound decided to dive back into the world of Fortnite after a long absence, reaching out to the community to catch up on all the latest happenings. Let’s see what Redditors had to say about the state of the game in his absence and what new exciting features he can look forward to.


  • Fortnite has evolved significantly since 2019, with new mobility mechanics and weapon changes.
  • The game now features currency, vending machines, weapon mods, and NPCs offering mythic weapons.
  • Players can now reboot teammates, carry knocked players, and revive using reboot vans.
  • The core gameplay loop has been refined, emphasizing mobility, storm awareness, and positioning.

Altered Gameplay Dynamics

As Balarius pointed out, the importance of mobility has skyrocketed due to the increased damage output of weapons. The game now revolves around quick movements and strategic positioning like never before.

New Features and Currency Systems

Perculiar3 highlights the introduction of currency mechanics, attachment systems, and a revamped item economy. Fortnite now offers a broader range of gameplay options beyond traditional battle royale elements.

Community Reactions and Nostalgia

Some players reminisced about earlier seasons, with InfiniteNullSpace mentioning how the past was the golden era of Fortnite. The community sentiment is mixed, with nostalgia blending with excitement for the game’s current state.

Returning to Fortnite in 2021 is akin to stepping into a brand new world, one where every corner holds a surprise and every match brings new challenges. With a blend of old memories and fresh experiences, Alans_Sound’s journey back into Fortnite promises to be an adventure worth undertaking.