Fortnite Reload: Hype, Gripes, and Bots – What Players Really Think

Fortnite fans are split on the new Reload mode - some are hyped, others have concerns. Let's dive into the Reddit buzz!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite fans are buzzing with excitement over the new Fortnite Reload mode. Let’s see what the hubbub is all about!


  • Players split between excitement and skepticism
  • Concerns about playing without a full squad
  • Desire for more solo play options

Hype and Concern

Some players like YourAveragelmbeciIe expressed happiness but lack Fortnite friends

Divided Opinions

LaylaLegion joked about mixed reactions, with some players disliking the mode

Individual Preferences

Savage_Hamster_ and Friesenburger69 prefer traditional BR mode

Looking for Bots

Ok_Magazine1221 hopes for bots to play quests without relying on random teammates