Fortnite: Reload vs. Season OG – Which is the Fan Favorite?

Discover why Fortnite fans are divided between Season OG and Reload, and which mode reigns supreme in player sentiment.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite fans are torn between Season OG and Reload, each having its own set of loyal supporters. Let’s dive into the subreddit discussions to see which mode takes the crown.


  • Season OG praised for its nostalgia and solo play option.
  • Reload criticized for being too sweaty and competitive.
  • Players appreciate the map design and building elements in Season OG.

Season OG Fans: Nostalgia and Solo Play

Many players reminisce about Season OG fondly, citing it for its solo play option and nostalgic feel.

Reload Supporters: Competitive but Frustrating

On the other hand, Reload enthusiasts see the mode as overly competitive and often rage-inducing.

Map Design and Building Elements

Some players appreciate Season OG’s older Points of Interest (POIs) designed with building in mind, offering a unique gameplay experience.

Despite the divisive opinions, it is clear that each mode has its dedicated following, making the Fortnite community vibrant with diverse preferences.