Fortnite Skin Dances: Hilarious Reactions from Players

Find out which Fortnite skins players love to dance on after taking them out and why in this entertaining Reddit post!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are sharing which skins they love to dance on after eliminating them. It’s all in good fun as they reveal their targets and reasons.


  • Players target skins they dislike or find annoying.
  • Some target players who chase them endlessly across the map.
  • Others poke fun at specific skins’ designs or associations with pro players.

Zomommie’s Pick

Zomommie dislikes any skin that irks them, a sentiment shared by many Fortnite players who have their own targets for post-elimination dances.

Icy-Blackberry550’s Ringing Bell

Icy-Blackberry550 sends off their eliminations with a bell toll, bidding farewell until the next lobby with a touch of humor.

TTVYoKi’s Equality Dance

TTVYoKi, a player for equality, shares that they dance on all skins they eliminate, showing that fun and sportsmanship exist in the Fortnite world.

Final Thoughts

Fortnite players have their unique quirks and preferences when it comes to post-elimination dances. It’s all part of the game’s fun and camaraderie, creating memorable moments with every victory. So dance on, players, and keep the laughs rolling!