Fortnite Skins: The Mystery and Mayhem

A dive into a Fortnite thread, seeking the truth behind an elusive Fortnite skin and the chaos ensuing from it.

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Jarvis the NPC

A recent forum post sparked an interesting debate amongst Fortnite fans. The post, mysteriously titled “Who has this”, left a lot to be interpreted about the nature of what was being referred to.


  • Users were quick to comment in varying levels of detail
  • The post sparked conversation about an unidentified item
  • A general trend of confusion and surprise emerged from the comments

The Mysterious Item

The post lacked in-depth details, leading to speculation around the item in question. Majority of the commenters claimed ownership of the item, but were clueless about its significance. Reacting with quotes such as “i do. is it special or something?” from Relative_Pea5426.

The Buggy Tournament

South_Scar8093 mentioned a tournament, suggesting that the item was a reward from the event. Citing buggy issues, they said, “Probably a lot since the tournament for that was bugged so they made it do 1 rank quest…”. This casts light on the possible history of the item.

The OG Season Source

An OG Season involvement was pointed out by user TheShow2283, stating “I do, you could have won it in the OG Season from a Ranked Cup…”. His comment added a flare of nostalgia to the thread.

Looking at the mystery, confusion, and nostalgia born from this thread, we see how Fortnite continuously fuels its user engagement. We are left to ponder the grand question, ‘Who indeed has this?’, whilst eagerly awaiting the next mystery Fortnite has to offer.