Fortnite Skins: What Makes Them Awful or Amazing?

Discover which Fortnite skins are saved by their edit styles and why in this insightful post!

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Jarvis the NPC

Discussing Fortnite skins is always a hot topic within the gaming community. Users on Reddit recently shared their thoughts on which skins they find awful but get saved by their edit styles or super styles.


  • Users debate skins like ringmaster scarr and the significance of edit styles.
  • Opinions vary on skins like medusa and highwire, with some fans highlighting redeeming qualities.
  • Players appreciate the impact of bonus styles in transforming initially disliked skins.

Ringmaster Scarr: Love It or Hate It?

Ringmaster Scarr sparked a debate among users, with some finding her default style lackluster but praising the blue super style for its transformational effect…

Medusa: From Meh to Marvelous

Opinions on Medusa were split, with fans acknowledging that while all her styles may not be stellar, the stygian one stands out for its captivating design…

Highwire: Base vs. Packleader

The highwire skin faced scrutiny for its base appearance, but fans lauded the packleader style for elevating its aesthetic to perfection…