Fortnite Slang Terms: What Your Squad Really Means

Discover the unique slang terms Fortnite squads use to communicate in battles. From 'Harry Potter' references to 'Metallica Ride The Lightning Guitar,' find out the fun lingo!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite squads have their own secret language that outsiders would never understand. Whether it’s a nod to pop culture or an inside joke, these slang terms add flavor to the gameplay. The Reddit community recently shared their exclusive terms for in-game actions and items, offering a glimpse into the hilarious world of gamer vernacular.


  • Unique slang terms add humor and camaraderie to squad gameplay.
  • Pop culture references like ‘Harry Potter’ and ‘Metallica’ inspire creative in-game names.
  • Community engagement showcases the diverse creativity within the Fortnite player base.

Squad Slang: A Dive Into Fortnite Vernacular

Fortnite squads thrive on camaraderie and communication, often developing their own slang terms to streamline gameplay and foster a sense of unity. The shared language not only enhances coordination during battles but also adds a touch of humor and exclusivity to the gaming experience. Let’s delve into some of the most intriguing slang terms used by Fortnite squads.

The Power of Inside Jokes

One Redditor shared that their squad referred to players with crowns in the lobby as ‘Crowners,’ showcasing a playful twist on the in-game aesthetics. Another term, ‘Getting Fisted,’ humorously alludes to the use of Nitro Fists in combat, adding a comedic element to intense moments. These unique monikers highlight the creativity and camaraderie that define Fortnite squads.

Pop Culture References and Memes

Pop culture references often find their way into squad vernacular, with terms like ‘Harry Potter’ used to describe magic broom moments in the game. ‘Metallica Ride The Lightning Guitar’ brings a rock ‘n’ roll vibe to the virtual battlefield, blending music fandom with gaming enthusiasm. These references not only pay homage to beloved franchises but also create a shared language that resonates with squad members.

Creative Naming Conventions

Fortnite players exhibit a knack for inventive naming conventions, as evidenced by terms like ‘ODM Gear’ transforming into ‘EDM Gear’ for a playful twist. ‘Flowberry Fizz’ becomes ‘Unspoken Fizz’ in a nod to clever wordplay, showcasing the community’s wit and humor. These unique names not only facilitate communication during gameplay but also strengthen the bonds among squad members.

The colorful world of Fortnite slang terms reflects the diverse influences and personalities within the gaming community. From humorous references to nostalgic nods, these terms serve as more than just words—they are a celebration of camaraderie and creativity. So, the next time your squad drops into the battlefield, take a moment to appreciate the unique language that unites you in victory and laughter.