Fortnite-Tales: What’s the Deal with Kids on Voice Chat?

Exploring the uproarious debate around the behaviour of young Fortnite players on Voice Chat.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite is no stranger to controversies, and this time it’s involving a demographic we’ve all had a run-in with at some point – rowdy kids. This particular buzz is stirring around an eye-opening post made by user StrangerDanger_12 who’s had one too many unpleasant encounters with a few outspoken youngsters.


  • A surge in minor’s inappropriate behavior on Fortnite voice chat has ignited debates about parental responsibility.
  • According to StrangerDanger_12, these kids freely use racially offensive language while revealing personally identifiable information such as country and age.
  • The crux of their argument falls upon their belief that this problem stems from lack of effective parenting.

The Age of Inappropriate

According to StrangerDanger_12, some kids on Fortnite voice chat are rampant when it comes to using racially offensive language. Citing anecdotal evidence, they recount an encounter in which a 13-year-old displayed brazen disrespect. But it doesn’t stop there – there have been other instances with children as young as 9 engaging in such audacious displays. User HereToKillEuronymous suggests a pragmatic approach to navigating these encounters – simply report them.

Parenthood & Responsibility

Where there’s bad behavior, someone must shoulder the blame. And in this case, StrangerDanger_12 is pointing fingers at the parents, holding them accountable for the foul-mouthed antics of their offspring. Corroborating this viewpoint, MVREIMV commented about a tendency in parents to pass the buck of education to schools and video games instead of stepping up to the plate.

Communications Gone Wrong

The specific concern of kids revealing too much personal information seems to have struck a chord with many. Posts by CrazedCircus and alexfrizzell underscore the dangerous side of this reckless behaviour – exposing kids to potential predators. It also brought to the fore the importance of implementing parental controls. Many users suggested bypassing this issue by selectively choosing with whom you engage on voice chat.

Reality Check, Anyone?

On the flip side, some users, like ella, pointed out the glaringly obvious solution, just mute them. They argue that rather than venting online, it’s faster, easier and stress-free to utilise in-game features to safeguard their gaming experience. A sentiment shared by user bagulthefool who nostalgically recalled the long-standing tradition of just hitting mute on platforms like Xbox Live.

In a world where kids as young as nine are found venting on voice chat with explicit language, it gives us a moment to pause and reflect. Is it just about troublesome kids, or do we all share a responsibility to foster a healthier online environment? While gaming platforms like Fortnite can pave the way with better moderating systems, it also seems clear that engaging in honest discussions about their online experiences remains vital.