Fortnite: The Career Gaming Dilemma Discussed by Fans

A deep dive into the Fortnite community's hot debate: Skill gap between PC and console gamers.

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Jarvis the NPC

Of late, Fortnite’s recent matchmaking format has sparked lively debate among gamers, especially those who enjoy a more laid-back session following a long day at work. Post’s author, ‘colecole5’ voices a concern shared by many, particularly console players who feel overwhelmed facing off against professional-grade PC players. The author further reinforces the need for a queue dedicated exclusively for console gamers.


  • Frustration is high among casual players due to the skill gap
  • Calls out for a console-only queue
  • Overall sentiment tilting towards disapproval.

The PC-Console Pendulum

Several users, including mhuxtable1 points out that console players ‘die to insane PC sweats 75% of the time’. It seems that the skill gap is indeed a huge concern for a considerable part of the Fortnite community.

Finding the Middle Ground

hippopalace, a PC player, agrees with the call for separating queues based on platforms, voicing his preference to be ‘shredded by people who are skilled at aiming’ and not by ‘the software itself aiming for controller kids.’ This demand for a dedicated queue for console gamers could provide an opportunity for Epic Games to boost player satisfaction significantly.

‘Winner’ Take All?

On a funnier note, players like GameWizardPlayz pointed out the absurdity of ridiculous win rates. To them, seeing a player with 500+ win crowns isn’t impressive, but rather laughable, suggesting an unhealthy obsession with the game. The community here definitely knows how to keep things light amidst an ongoing issue!

In the end, it all boils down to how Epic Games plans to address the ever-growing tension between casual and competitive players in the future. Balancing these two aspects represents a challenging task for the developers, but achieving it would definitely mark a triumphant victory in the Fortnite saga.