Fortnite: The Great Divide – Zero Build vs. Normal Playstyles

Unravel the player sentiment on Fortnite's zero build versus normal modes within its thriving community.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Fortnite, a popular multiplayer game, players often debate between zero build and normal modes. The recent subreddit post by ‘DanielFromNigeria’ sparked the same discussion examining the pros and cons of these contrasting styles of gameplay.


  • Some players, like ‘CybenergeticSabre96’, feel more inclined towards zero builds mode as it doesn’t require mastering the art of build fighting. They mention their preference for straightforward battle royale matches without the intricacy of structures.
  • ‘Night_Tac’ provides an interesting statistical perspective, suggesting that while the number of builds players certainly outweighs zero builds players, the latter still enjoys considerable popularity.
  • Some commenters, like ‘adrenalin997’, prefer zero build mode as it aligns more with traditional shooter gameplay. Their preference is for more direct gunplay, focusing on weapon skills rather than building strategies.

The Zero Build Appeal

Several players commit to zero builds mode to escape the complex dynamics of build fighting. ‘Crewman4’, a self-professed non-builder, humorously notes that like him, many players turn to zero builds mode when their building prowess falls short.

Demographics and Patterns

‘Wawravstheworld’ interestingly comments that zero build mode might cater more to veteran gamers who appreciate its pace, reminiscing old Call of Duty or Halo days. He suggests that Fortnite has effectively provided these players with options to enjoy the game in a more suitable way.

The Building Majority

‘I_am_javier’ fleshes out that build mode harbors a larger player base, often seeing 30-40% more online players than zero build. This trend implies that while challenging, many players enjoy the flexibility and creativity that the build feature brings to Fortnite’s dynamic gameplay.

Despite the sturdy popularity of normal modes, Fortnite’s zero build mode has carved out a strong, dedicated player base. The community within this mode seems quite content, appreciating Fortnite’s consideration of different gameplay styles. It goes to show that even within one game, there can be multiple ways to play, and each one has its own appeal. As ‘EntaroAdune’ simply puts, the introduction of zero build mode turned Fortnite into their preferred game.