Fortnite: The Kooky Crazy Carbide Craze – What Redditors Are Saying

Discover why Redditors are going crazy over the new emote for Carbide in Fortnite!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite fans on Reddit are buzzing about the latest emote that is taking the already kooky Carbide character to new levels of craziness. The community is split between loving the new look and questioning the character’s choices!


  • Redditors are divided over the new emote for Carbide, with some finding it hilarious while others are questioning the character’s appearance.
  • Some users compare Carbide’s new look to different pop culture references, adding to the comic appeal of the emote.
  • The community enjoys the addition of new emotes in Fortnite, as it adds more personalization and fun to the gameplay experience.

The Love for Kooky Carbide

“Bro looks like a budget A-Train now lmao,” joked one user, highlighting the hilarity in Carbide’s new appearance.

“LOVE the song! So glad I can jam out to it now in lobbies lmfao!!” shared another user, expressing their excitement for the emote’s musical accompaniment.

The Confusion and Criticism

“What’s wrong with carbide?” questioned a user, showing a different perspective on the character’s new look.

“It’s goofy as hell on boxer,” commented another user, bringing attention to how Carbide’s appearance suits certain situations in the game.

Fan Comparisons and Enthusiasm

“Techno Viking,” simply stated one user, drawing a parallel between Carbide’s emote and a famous internet meme.

“Can’t stop the carbide carbine,” exclaimed a user, showcasing their enthusiasm for Carbide’s new emote in the game.